Debugging: what do I do if the LED is not blinking? If your LED is blinking and the upload worked, move on to the next page. But what if the LED didn’t light up? Just like we used Debugging to search out any issues in our hardware and circuits, we will do the same throughout […]

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setup(): setting initial conditions We’ve gotten past the comments, and have seen that setup runs once at the beginning, whenever we turn on or reset the Arduino. Let’s now take a in depth look at the setup function in the ATG3_Blink example sketch we loaded: Setup has some parantheses attached to it: we will explain […]

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A schematic of the Arduino Now that we’ve run our code and lit the LED on the Arduino board, we’re going to attach our Arduino to a breadboard, build a circuit and run our ATG3_Blink sketch again. We want to learn how to control external components with our Arduino, not just light up an LED […]

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SOS signal light: creating more complex timing While the previous circuit ended up being very similar to the project in chapter 2, we have accomplished something by now hooking it up to Arduino and the possibilities of code. Earlier in this chapter, we saw that we can make one light blink on and off with […]

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